Tag Archives: Keystone Pipeline

Oil money and climate change

The graph above shows the money spent by the gas and oil industry in  lobbying Democratic (blue) and Republican (red) politicians in national elections from 1990-2012. The industry, which includes multinational and independent oil and gas producers and refiners, natural gas pipeline companies, gasoline service stations and fuel oil dealers, donated a total of almost $70 million in the 2012 election cycle. Ninety percent of that went to Republican candidates and 10 percent to Democrats. Seventy-five percent of the $238.7 million spent since 1990 by individuals and political action committees affiliated with oil and gas companies went to Republicans.

The top contributors in the oil and gas sector are:
It’s obvious that by accepting the millions generated by fossil fuel production the recipients of this largesse are bound to promote the interests of their benefactors. High on that list are the approval of the Keystone Pipeline and drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, the rejection of cap-and-trade legislation and the denial of climate change.

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